© Nationalparkzentrum TorfHaus, Harz: Magische Gebirgswelt

The Goethe Trail to the Brocken Summit

Auf einen Blick

  • Start: National Park Visitor Centre TorfHaus
  • Ziel: National Park Visitor Centre TorfHaus
  • mittel
  • 16,93 km
  • 4 Std. 30 Min.
  • 1142 m
  • 796 m
  • Streckentour

Beste Jahreszeit

Torfhaus became known beyond its borders after the German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe who, accompanied by the Torfhaus forester Degen, began his first ascent of the Brocken on December 10, 1777 from here.

Before starting your hike we suggest a visit to the National Park Visitor Centre TorfHaus. Here you can obtain much information about the area and also procure a good map of the walking trails. A short tour of the exhibit, presentations and slide shows will show you many things you won‘t want to miss on your tour to the Brocken Mountain and introduce you to the unique landscape. During inclement weather or if a hike to the highest elevations of the Harz should be too strenuous, there is the opportunity to take an audio-visual tour. The Visitor Centre is located in the Torfhaus settlement, which has a long history. In 1713, when the first cutting of peat in the surrounding moors began, the first building was erected.

Torfhaus became known beyond its borders after the German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe who, accompanied by the Torfhaus forester Degen, began his first ascent of the Brocken on December 10, 1777 from here. The climb through the rough terrain in heavy snow left a lasting impression on the poet. The experience of untouched nature and the joy of having reached the summit gave him new creative impetus. Goethe incorporated these Brocken impressions in his famous tragedy „Faust“ - bringing world renown to the Harz. Exactly which route Goethe took at that time to reach the Brocken peak (1,141 m above sea level) can no longer be determined. It is not exactly the route named „Goethe Trail“ today. Using public transportation, we reach the Goethe Trail by way of the train to Bad Harzburg, and from there with the bus to Torfhaus.

Old and New Torfhaus (Torfhaus = „Peathouse”)

Wegpunkte der Route

Das Nationalpark-Besucherzentrum TorfHaus

Malerblicke im Harz - 28. Brockenblick über das Torfhausmoor

136 Eckersprung

Stichwortfahnen am Goethebahnhof

Die Brockenbahn


9 Brockenhaus

Das Tourendashboard


  • Pfad (2%)
  • Asphalt (17%)
  • Straße (18%)
  • Wanderweg (3%)
  • Schotter (61%)


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